Thursday, 1 September 2016


Each time i watch Usian Bolt run i keep asking myself how come he starts the race the dsame time with every other competiting runner But yet still finish top?what factors are responsible for the other runners not been able to finish ahead of him?Well this is what i come to discover in a splint race who wins the prize is not necessarily the most gifted runner,is not necessarily.the special one amongst the rest of the runners,is not necessarily the 1 who trains the hardest.The runner who wins the race is the runner who decides to keep running when others decide to stop,to keep running when others decide to give in to the distractions that comes on the way side,the runner who  wins the race is the runner whose eyes are focus on the finsh line,the goal,the vision!They dont Let the position they started with determine the position they will end with!They dont run in someone else track they keep to their track.Once or twice they look back to see how far they Have come and get encourage and they also look up and see how far they ll still Have to go and get motivated!The runner who wins is the one who decides to keep running and not faint!Its the 9th month of the year i dont know how long you ve been running,hoping and praying for that dream of yours that you want it to be a here to tell you dont stop running..if you can hold on and not faint you ll get to the finsh line.Keep Running.I will be praying for you.Happy New Month.

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